Font Friday - Carlino

Happy Friday folks! It's been one of those non-stop go-go-go-go weeks for me, but there's nothing like a good font to stop me in my tracks. And today I have a good font for you.

Meet Carlino - the cutest little font I ever did see.

I know that I typically tend to gravitate toward the more traditional and versatile serif and sans fonts (and of course, stunning flourish scripts like Medusa), but every now and then I find myself swooning over sweet, charming fonts like Carlino. The variety of different weights, styles, and flourishes is pretty extraordinary, and I'm already trying to find an excuse to buy this font and use it! I mean, check out how awesome the different available styles are:

Isn't Carlino such a perfect, happy font for today?! And it's 10% off until September 22nd at MyFonts, so I'm even more tempted to indulge. The only drawback is that it doesn't seem to be available in a true pack - with all the different font styles in one package, with a packaged price - so I guess if we want them all, we'd have to spring and buy each of them individually. With that many options, buying each one adds up pretty there a requests feature on MyFonts?? I would totally request a package for this adorable font!

I hope you had a great week, and plan on having an even greater weekend! I'll be catching up on some design work this weekend and then preparing for vacation in two weeks. A heads up that I'll be closing down the shop while I'm away, and I won't be starting any new custom orders until after I return, in October - so if you're looking for something now, shoot over an email in the next day or two!

Talk soon, friends!
