Life Lately - September 2013

Fall my not be official according to the calendar, but as far as I am concerned, summer is ov-ah and the cool, crisp days have moved in. I slept with the windows open for the first time the other night, and I made pumpkin muffins over the weekend - yes, fall has come.

Just as expected, things have been super busy, but I've been doing a good job at balancing work/life, prioritizing how my time is spend, and including purpose into each and every day. There have been fewer days where I battle the feeling of burnout, and more and more days of feeling like my grass is greener. The past few weeks have been filled with spending time with friends and family; amazing (no really, AMAZING) clients; and meeting incredible other creative professionals in the NYC area. I've also been seeing a business advisor, who has been great in helping me look at my finances (especially how it relates to my use of time), in a way that has been super productive for me. All in all, I'm feeling that, while incredibly busy, I can handle all the great things that are coming my way.

I've noticed that scheduling in, and committing to, spending time with friends has been such a source of positive energy. Getting out of the house and being around people I love is so refreshing, and it just reiterates how important it is to take a step back and live life.

Here are some photos of what life lately has been looking like, through the lens of my iPhone and Instagram.

I'm also happy to report that the next few weeks look like they'll be just as jam-packed with amazingness. From a vacation (siiiiigh, I need this vacation!) with cousins, to birthdays galore, and more awesome client meetings, I think I'll be riding this awesome wave for a while longer.

If you want to see even more life happenings, be sure to follow me on Instagram, which is pretty much my addiction. I. Am. Obsessed.
